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Using a turkey shoot target is a great way to improve your hunting skills and have fun at the same time. These targets are designed to withstand multiple shots from a shotgun so you can let loose without worrying about damaging your gun or the target.
Several kinds of turkey shoot targets are available, each with unique features and specifications. If you're new to using this kind of target, you must choose one that will meet your needs so you can properly learn how to use this type of equipment.
We recommend starting with basic turkey shoot targets since they are inexpensive and easy to find. Once you figure out what works best for you, then you can move on to more advanced targets like self-inking knockdown tags or lifelike decoys with built-in shot counters.
Birchwood Casey 12"x18" Pregame Shooting Targets Turkey
Our favorite paper turkey target is also the most expensive. That's because Birchwood Casey targets are made from premium materials, and they're backed by a lifetime warranty. The pre-gamed birch wood makes for an incredibly realistic experience, and we love that it comes in different sizes to suit your needs.
There are eight zones on this turkey target, each with its color to make it easier to see where you've shot accurately. The only downside is that there isn't much of a visible difference between shots on the vital areas or outside zones. This means you can get lucky and hit all the right spots, but missing entirely will also affect your accuracy score. If you want to improve your shooting skills, this will help you do so quickly.
Champion 45780 Animal Targets
The Champion 45780-45701 Paper Targets are the best turkey targets on the market. These life-size turkey targets have high visibility, so you can easily see your shot placement as well as any scoring rings or holes punched out of them.
These paper targets also feature high-contrast colors that make it easy to spot your target even in low-light conditions. The large size of these turkey paper targets means you get plenty of room for precise aiming and sight alignment, so you'll be able to shoot with confidence no matter what kind of ammunition you're using.
With such a wide range of options and features, our #1 choice is the Champion 45780-45701 Paper Targets Life-Size Turkey Target Pack.
Caldwell Orange Peel Turkey Target with Flake Off Material and Strong Adhesive for Outdoor, Range, Shooting, and Hunting
The Caldwell Round targets are 12 inches in diameter and come with five sheets of orange peel paper. This is a good set of round paper targets, though they would be better suited to shooting at them from close range rather than the distance that most rifle or shotgun shooters typically use.
The orange peel is a very dense material that shows hits clearly – both on the paper and off it if you miss the target completely. If you're looking for a high-visibility target that's easy to see even at long range, this is your best bet. You can also see hits on these targets using fluorescent powder, so you have plenty of options depending on your preference for how you want to shoot at them.
Caldwell says these targets are designed for “anyone who wants faster patterning without sacrificing accuracy” and we found this to be true when testing them out during our research phase. The fact that shots land either in the black or white zone makes aiming much easier as well since you know exactly what part of the bullseye you need to hit every time.
NiceTargets Turkey 20" x 22.5" Recyclable Plastic Weather Resistant Target TNTTurkey-M
The NiceTargets Turkey Target is a durable and realistic target for your archery or crossbow training. The 20 x 22.5-inch plastic target stands up to the elements and features a vanishing kill zone that gets smaller as you get closer to the bulls-eye, so you can get close to mimicking real hunting scenarios.
As well as being an awesomely realistic target, this turkey silhouette looks great too with its golden brown feathers and bright red eyes. It's not just ideal for practicing your aim with a bow or crossbow though - it also comes in handy when practicing your marksmanship with a gun since it resembles the shape of game animals like deer and elk.
Dragon Targets Rancher Supply AR500 Steel Targets 3/8 Inch Thick Laser Cut Animal Shapes, Ready to Shoot AR500 Gong and Reactive Targets, Made in USA Turkey 12" x 14

Dragon Targets
Rancher Supply AR500 Steel Targets 3/8 Inch Thick Laser Cut Animal Shapes
Our expert testers found that the Dragon Targets AR500 steel gong target was tough and reliable, with great visibility. It's also reasonably priced considering its high-end features.
The gong target is 15 inches wide and 14 inches tall, which means it offers a fair amount of real estate for your shots to land on. The white finish makes it easy to see your targets even at longer distances, although we found that the black finish could be more visible against some backgrounds. These targets can withstand up to 1,000 rounds before they need replacing or repairing, which is pretty impressive for their price point.
Turkey Shoot Targets FAQs
Looking for the best turkey shoot targets?
There are dozens of different kinds of turkey shoot targets, so it can be hard to know which ones are the best for your needs. We've compiled a list of the most Frequently Asked Questions about turkey shoot targets and our answers below.
When Can I Hunt Turkey?
All parts of the U.S. have turkey hunting seasons, though some areas allow spring hunts while others only allow fall hunts. Many states require hunters to buy a permit or tag before they can hunt turkeys, and these costs can range from $5 to over $500 depending on which state you're in and which type of permit you purchase. Some states also offer Turkey Foraging Permits for people who want to gather wild turkey eggs; this type of permit typically costs around $15 but varies by location.
In most places, turkey hunting seasons run between April and May (or late February and early May), though many areas also hold special fall seasons that run between September and November. The exact dates within each season differ based on where you live, so check with your local game warden before heading out into the wilds in search of these birds.
Where Is The Best Location To Hunt For Turkey?
Turkey hunts can be conducted in a variety of locations, but the best place to hunt for turkey depends on your personal preferences and the type of hunting you want to pursue.
Some hunters prefer blind hunting because it allows them to get close to the birds without spooking them first. Blind hunting is ideal if you're interested in turkey calling or want to document your with video or photography your kill. You can also use blinds when pursuing a gobbler with young hens, which might otherwise be reluctant to approach an open setup.
Blinds provide great concealment and are generally easy to set up if you have access to private land where turkeys frequent, such as a game preserve or ranch. Most modern blinds are lightweight enough that two people can carry them into position, but you may need ATVs or other off-road vehicles depending on terrain and conditions. The advantages of blind hunting include getting close to birds without spooking them first; not having direct contact with mud, cold weather, and wind; and having time for careful shot placement. The disadvantages include costs associated with buying equipment and trips out into the field; difficulty accessing prime locations on public land; inability to conduct drives (where multiple hunters create noise); and potentially limited mobility due to Turkey's size compared with many other game species.